
Podcasts: TV Crimes

I stumbled upon the TV Crimes podcast when searching for something related to Wil Wheaton.  I wasn’t sure what I would get, but knowing how much I enjoyed TableTop on YouTube, I figured it was worth a...

PFF: Homemade Tomato Paste

There is a much larger story surrounding my endeavor to make homemade tomato paste.  This story will be told at a later date.  Today, I will just share my triumph of will and patience that led to this culinary...

Thanksgiving Day Menu 2015

Time goes so quickly as you get older. As I was conceptualizing this post and thinking back on last year, this all feels like it just happened.  So I Googled. I found a fascinating paper titled, Age Effects in...

Journal 52: Beneath My Feet in Big Sur

The prompt for Week 6 of Journal 52 was, “Over Your Head” or “Beneath Your Feet”.  I struggled with this one for a long time and finally found a picture that spoke to me. I had thought...

LAHL: Egon Schiele and My Issues with Nudes

This week’s inspiration on Love Art, Happy Life comes from the short-lived artist Egon Schiele.  I love the way the guest instructor, Roxanne Coble, gives some context to Schiele and his work through...

Homemade Beef Jerky: Island Spice Marinade

Last month I shared my first go at homemade beef jerky.  In preparation for our trip to Maine, I explored other options with the Island Spice Marinade. A.D. and I are fans of Jerk seasoning and I am...

DIY Octopus Camera Strap

A.D. is likely the best gift-giver on the planet.  If we were keeping score on thoughtfulness points, I would lose on the daily. But it is merely days before Christmas!  Well, sometimes the joy can come early...

Keep. A Google App For the Sticky-Note Lover!

Keep is one of my new favorite apps.  It will be one of yours soon too! I have searched and searched for a note taking app and tried many that are good and work for others such as Evernote, but didn’t...