I have enjoyed the Love Art, Happy Life course enough that I have decided to take another course from Bloknote Academy, the Happy Water Colour Course. I am really excited to start this course as I have found a...
After leaving Chicago, we ventured a little farther north and into Wisconsin to Milwaukee. We had plans with @ScottNorrisPhotography to tour around Milwaukee. We started the day out by picking up our guide...
In January, my honey noticed that I was watching a lot of TV. Compulsively and the content of which, I feel comfortable sharing he finds disturbing. Something needed to be done, and being a man of action, A...
Last night I completed my second ‘major’ public speaking event. When I took my promotion three years ago, I knew there would be a community education component, but I never anticipated I would be...
Last month I shared my first go at homemade beef jerky. In preparation for our trip to Maine, I explored other options with the Island Spice Marinade. A.D. and I are fans of Jerk seasoning and I am...
I don’t believe I ever knew the drive and dedication of Henri Matisse. Inspired by Matisse Learning about him this week during my Love Art, Happy Life lesson was inspiring. I often contemplate what I...
This is the second part of a two-part series on our Hudson Valley Overnight, so head back and start at Part 1, we’ll be here when you’re ready! The Dover Stone Church Back on the road, we arrived...
Keep is one of my new favorite apps. It will be one of yours soon too! I have searched and searched for a note taking app and tried many that are good and work for others such as Evernote, but didn’t...