
PFF: Pinterest Find or Fail Inaugural Post

Pinterest is fantastic for people who like swiping right on ideas that they will likely never attempt or complete.  I am one of those people.

I started out with binders full of clippings from magazines.  Obsessed with the ideas of what I could make or do and how awesome and admired I would be as I shared my successes, I clipped and clipped and filed it all away.  I found them a month ago as I was re-organizing.  I kept the binders and inserts and recycled 99.9% of the rest.  Did I still love the ideas?  Yes.  Was I clearly not going to use them in their current format?  Affirmative.  I hadn’t touched any of the binders in at least five years.

Five years during which I obsessively compiled my stash of the greatest ideas ever on Pinterest.

Through this time, I have actually tried recipes and had a whole phase dedicated to home-made deodorant, detergents and cleaners, and while I have had some glowing successes, I have had many of the dreaded Pinterest Fails and have been repeatedly admonished to not use recipes procured from the site unless verifiable by a ‘reputable’ recipe website.

So, drumroll please….my first PFF is from Southern In Law:

Chai Chia Pudding!

First.  I think we need to talk about why I have had so many fails in my Pinteresting career:  I don’t follow recipes well.  This is for two reasons, the fact that I don’t like to waste or store food that will be eventually wasted and the ‘finicky-ness’ of some recipes.

Since I already have a home-made mix of chai spices from a failed ‘make your own chai’ phase, instead of using the recipe, I used a ‘sprinkling’ of my home-made chai spice, likely around a teaspoon.

Next, I had bought a bunch of cans of coconut milk in a misguided attempt to ‘make your own Thai food’ and had them just chilling in my pantry.  So lonely.  I will not break up a can of coconut milk.  It is all or nothing.

Lastly, I was not going to add sugar.  I figured on fruit at the end.  Samesies, right?

Pinterest Find!What Actually Happened…

I mixed about a teaspoon of the chai spice mixture, a can of full fat coconut milk and a 1/4 cup of chia seed and stirred with a spoon.  I then stuck it all in the fridge overnight.  Next day, added a few slices of mango and some blueberries.

Verdict:  Pinterest Find or Fail?

Pinterest Find!!!!  OMG, it was delicious!

Now, if you choose to use my ‘recipe’, be sure to recognize that I don’t have a lot of sugar in my diet, so it might not taste as amazing as I feel it does if you have a lot of sugar.  I love the mouthfeel of the coconut milk and it is reminiscent of the rice pudding I miss so terribly.  Nomz.

Marie Wheeler