
Cleaning Calendar: Prep for the New Year!

I know, it seems like a crappy present to give a Cleaning Calendar, but it’s really the gift of reduced anxiety!

It may seem silly, but I find that I am more relaxed, calm and confident when my house is in order.  If my house is a mess, my brain is a mess.

This makes sense for the following reasons:

  1. Clutter provides unnecessary visual, olfactory and tactile stimuli (think piles of clothes, stinky sinks and sticky counters) and distracts our focus.
  2. Clutter makes it more difficult to relax as the stimuli signals our brains that work is not done.
  3. Clutter makes us anxious as there is uncertainty for how long cleaning will take to complete.
  4. Clutter breeds shame/guilt cycles in our minds, especially when someone drops by your home or office.
  5. Clutter can impact creativity and productivity by making it harder to get the job done.

So while these reasons are compelling and known to me, I don’t always succeed at keeping my home clean.  In fact, there are times when it gets downright messy.  I will neither confirm nor deny that I may have been too busy, distracted or lazy to vacuum for a month or so.   It doesn’t feel good.

Since I don’t like feeling that way and the massive guilt and shame induced by being so messy and gross, I made the Cleaning Calendar for myself and figured I’d just share!

It’s mainly useful for the things that I forget to do (like clean my vacuum cleaner filters!) or that I can never seem to remember (wiping down the molding or door knobs) when I did them last.

The calendar is broken down into schedules based on frequency: weekly, monthly, quarterly, biannually, and biennially.  Additionally, it helps ensure everyone can remember the difference between biannual and biennial; that’s fun trivia right there!

If you’re interested, I have linked a printable and an editable spreadsheet for Excel!

Cleaning Schedule (.pdf)

Cleaning Schedule (.xls)

I hope these help you as much as they have helped me to ease my anxious mind!

Marie Wheeler