
The Push: Nerd Fitness and Lifting Inspiration

I am consistently interested in fitness and diet.  It isn’t because I want to be skinny, it’s because I want to feel good in my clothes and in my body.  I’ve been a range of weights from about 125 lb to nearly 200 lb and I have to tell you that I feel good between 140 lb and 145 lb.  That is my happy place.  The chub doesn’t rub, the clothes don’t pinch or bind and I don’t have a ‘done lop’.

For those of you questioning what a ‘done lop’ is, it is when your gut ‘done lop‘ or hangs loosely, over your pants.  It is not comfortable.

nerd fitness Over the past year, one thing I have found consistently inspiring is the Nerd Fitness blog, founded by Steve Kamb.  The information is practical and well-researched and put forth in a fun and engaging way:  through fandom and a gaming leveling system.  It makes you want to level up by reminding you that fitness is fun!

Steve isn’t the only one featured on the blog though, he has a team he has built behind him and one of the members, Staci, particularly speaks to me.  She has inspired me over the course of the past year to ditch the low weight, high reps model and to hit it harder with higher weight and fewer reps.  Guess what, I get more out of my time this way too!

Don’t get me wrong, I still occasionally take my 3 lb weights and do shoulder presses through commercials, but that is more out of guilt for sitting on the couch than anything else.

Nerd Fitness takes it one step further though and adds diet to the fitness portion, because it’s one thing to be moving, but another to be moving with your cheesy poofs in tow.  The NF crew are all about whole foods and paleo and give information on the diet and in Staci’s case, a daily breakdown of what she eats.

Three reasons you should check out what Nerd Fitness has to offer:

  1. The posts are fun and well-crafted to engage and inspire.  And I love the figure pictures.  Usually Lego.  So fun!
  2. The fitness and diet are not gung-ho, all or nothing, it is highly scalable to your level.  Just do something and eat something good for you!
  3. It’s built for people who are not athletes by nature, but who want to feel better than they do now.

So go get inspired for your holiday season and read this post!

If you are a Game of Thrones fan, you will completely dig.

Marie Wheeler